Sassy Soroptimists (left to right) Laura Phillips, Sandy Easley, Cindy Jordan, Kathy Arellano, President Heidi Juarez and Lupe Barrozo welcome the new SISP year. |
Soroptimist International SP starts
new year with President Juarez
July 11, 2014
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
As the outgoing President of Soroptimist International of Santa Paula, Heidi Juarez didn’t go far... in fact, she didn’t go anywhere other than right back to the highest office of the professional women’s organization.
Juarez, whose first term was for two years, was reinstalled as 2014-2015 President of SISP at a special dinner held June 26 at The Mupu Grill.
Also installed were Vice President Laura Phillips, Treasurer Kathy Arellano, Recording Secretary Sandy Easley and Corresponding Secretary Lupe Barrozo. The incoming board are mostly repeat office holders except for 2012-2014 Vice President Cindy Jordan and Corresponding Secretary Hope Arellano, who attended the installation.
Also celebrating the new SISP year was member Ann Perez, a third-generation legacy member of the international organization dedicated to making the world a better place for all, with a special emphasis on the needs of women and girls.
Arellano noted SISP has had a busy 2013-2014 providing support to the Isbell Middle School DC Trip, Santa Paula Police Explorers, the STEM Program of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley as well as the Smart Girls program, Santa Paula Girls Softball, Santa Paula Community Fund for summer swimming, Santa Paula Band Boosters, Santa & Me and the Santa Paula College Scholarship Program, among others. Soroptimist International hosts the Veterans Day reception each year following the memorial service at Veterans Park.
In addition, the sassy SISP club presents the popular Holiday Fashion Show and LUNAFEST, fun events that not only raise the funds given to worthy causes but as in the case of the latter, an event that raises awareness of women’s issues as well as women in the arts.
Juarez said she has enjoyed leading Santa Paula Soroptimists, who are close to their sister club in Fillmore.
All busy career women, SISP meets twice a month, but that second meeting is a fun, low-cost social activity such as an upcoming excursion for some rock ‘n’ roll bowling and dinner.
The theme of Juarez’s SISP presidency remains “The Art of Giving” not only to reflect her personal interest in art creation but also SISP’s ongoing philanthropy.
For more information on SISP including upcoming, fun events for perspective members, email sisantapaula@soroptimist.net
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