Development, construction, rebate, Mea T tops Monday Council agenda

November 18, 2016
Santa Paula News

By Peggy Kelly

Santa Paula Times 

Development and construction will top the agenda at Monday’s City Council meeting where members will consider a variety of projects including the first tract maps for East Area 1 Harvest at Limoneira.

The council will also learn there will not be another rebate for city wastewater service customers and finalize guidelines for a citizens panel for the Measure T 1-cent-sales tax.

The meeting will begin with a closed session at 5:15 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room for labor negotiations and discussion on the lawsuit filed against the city regarding the Williams Homes Hardison House project.

The regular session will start at 6:30 p.m. in council chambers and will be televised live for Time Warner Cable Channel 10 and played back according to schedule. The meeting will also be live-streamed on the city’s website and archived for viewing on demand.

City Tiles will be presented to former Public Works Director Brian Yanez and Annette Talon formerly of the city’s Finance Department for their decades of work.

Santa Paula Citizens Corps will update the council on the Divine Distractions program centered on taking care of large groups of children during emergencies. The SPPD Explorers Post will receive kudos from Police Chief Steve McLean for their performance in a recent competition.

Items of interest on the Consent Calendar — those matters of business considered routine and not warranting discussion — include retaining a design firm for the new fire station in East Area 1, approving the final tract map for the Santa Maria Industrial Park, approval of a design services agreement for Mill Park/Teague Park restroom and Ebell Park irrigation projects and finalizing the Santa Paula High School Neighborhood Traffic Project.

There will be no more teeth rattling while driving over city railroad crossings with the awarding of a long awaited project to improve crossings throughout the city. 

During the Public Hearing the council will consider the revised and tweaked Airpark Project, live-in hangars already approved by the council in years past but delayed due to the Great Recession and crash of the housing market. The Airpark is slated for property east of the Santa Paula Airport.

The council will be asked to approve Phase 1 tentative tract maps for the East Area 1 Harvest project, 274 lots with amenities. In a separate but related matter the council will be asked to consider a Community Funding District for new East Area 1 residents. 

In other business the council will be updated on the transfer of the California Oil Museum from the city to a newly formed foundation and in a separate matter, consider setting a future public hearing for the citywide user fee and rate study recommendations. 

The council will also be updated on wastewater billing rebates; there won’t be one for July – September 2016 according to the staff report. Customers have received only one rebate of $60 calculated at $20 a month since the program began, only one out of the now three quarters.

Voters approved Measure T to benefit public safety, youth and roads November 8. Now to be finalized are plans for the five-member citizen commission appointed by the council to “annually review and audit expenditures of revenues derived from the tax,” results that will be audited and “reviewed by the City Council at a publicly noticed meeting.” 

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