Tax Assistance

January 14, 2005
Santa Paula News

Federal/State Income Tax preparation for seniors and low to moderate income persons will be offered at the Santa Paula Community Center beginning February 7 through April 11 on Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m.

Federal/State Income Tax preparation for seniors and low to moderate income persons will be offered at the Santa Paula Community Center beginning February 7 through April 11 on Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. There are no appointments; walk-ins only.Customers must have photo ID such as a driver’s license before the returns can be done. They must also bring Social Security cards for themselves, their spouse and dependents (if applicable), or a copy of the correct numbers, and a list of the correct birthdates for each person entered on the tax return. Also required are: all W-2 and tax statements from all employers; W-2G certain gambling winnings; all 1099s for interest, dividends, state refunds, miscellaneous income, etc.; SSA-1099 (Social Security Benefits statement); R.R.B.-1099 (Railroad retirement); and records of all other income; if itemizing, records of all deductible expenses; and if claiming child and/or dependent care expenses, the amount paid and the care provider’s name, address and identifying number.It is also helpful if the customer brings a copy of last year’s Federal and State tax returns, the tax package for 2004 if received, and records to substantiate any other items they wish included on their tax return.
Volunteers are trained to complete forms 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ. There is no charge for this service. For information call Grace at 933-4272.

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Call 805 525 1890 to receive the entire paper early. $50.00 for one year.
