Tina Casarez and Johhny Mata

Tina Casarez and Johnny Mata announce engagement

June 02, 2006
Santa Paula News
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casarez, Sr. of Visalia, CA are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Tina to Johnny Mata, Jr. of Visalia, CA. Tina graduated from Santa Paula High School in 2000 and San Joaquin Valley College in 2004 with her A.S. degree as a Medical Assistant. She currently works for Compassionate Family Care in Visalia. Johnny is the son of John and Dora Mata of Santa Paula, CA. Johnny graduated from Santa Paula High School in 2000. He will be a.ttending San Joaquin Valley College in August 2006 where he will receive his AS. degree in Respiratory Therapy in December 2007. He currently works for Kaweah Delta Hospital Radiology Department in Visalia.The couple will be wed July 29, 2006 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Visalia. They will make their home in Visalia.

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