Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies stand-by early Sunday during an officer involved shooting near Palm Avenue and Ventura Street. Ventura County District Attorney’s Office Investigators were also called to the scene. |
Area man killed Sunday morning in SPPD Officer involved shooting
April 12, 2017
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
Residents in the area near Palm Avenue and Ventura Street were awakened Sunday morning to the sound of gunfire from an officer involved shooting that left a local man, reportedly brandishing a knife, dead.
According to Santa Paula Police Sgt. Cody Madison, the April 9 incident started at approximately 6:32am, when SPPD Officers responded to the area of the 100 block of East Ventura Street for a report of a subject holding a knife.
“Upon officers arrival the subject, age 36 years old from Santa Paula, was contacted by officers,” and upon the subject being contacted the officer involved shooting occurred.
Residents of The Lobero condominiums just west of Palm Avenue reported hearing four shots; a trail of blood stretched out behind caution tape into the apartment complex. Several people said three SPPD Officers had arrived to confront the man with the knife.
One resident said he just arrived home from work when he observed a trail of blood into the complex and, fearing there might be an injured person or body nearby, looked over a fence and then he heard the shots.
Santa Paula Fire Department EMTs and ambulance paramedics responded and pronounced the subject deceased on scene.
Madison said, “Ventura County Sheriff’s Department personnel responded to conduct the investigation at the request of Santa Paula Police Department. This type of mutual aid/request is common with these types of major incidents.”
The Ventura County Sheriff’s Major Crimes and Crime Scene Team were at the scene as well as a representative with the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, also protocol for any officer involved shooting.
A wide area surrounding the shooting was immediately shut down with residents of Lobero having to use a hastily created exit when a fence was removed near a city yard. Access was limited until Sunday night — those living in the area were directed to park at a nearby commercial center — when the streets were reopened. In the early stages of the investigation people were not allowed to leave the area.
The investigation is ongoing, but Madison said, “Preliminary investigation has indicated that the subject was armed with a knife when contacted by police officers.”
The SPPD Officer involved has been placed on paid leave, standard operating procedure in an officer involved shooting.
“Anytime this happens it is tragic all the way around, including for the officer involved,” said SPPD Police Chief Steve McLean.
Standard policy is all the officers at the scene have to have counseling before they can return to duty.
Although the officer’s name is being withheld at this time, McLean said, “He is a veteran SPPD Officer who has never been involved in anything like this,” and has been honored in the past as SPPD Officer of the Year as well as with a Police Officers Association of Ventura County Medal of Valor.
“It’s truly a tragic situation for everyone,” said McLean.
The last officer involved shooting death in Santa Paula occurred in July 2012 when Edgar Garcia, 25, was killed following a day of family threats and violence when he fired on responding officers. A Reserve received a minor wound in that incident when a bullet struck his heavy belt buckle.