Renaissance Graduate Corrina Cota

June 16, 2000
Santa Paula News
During her two years at Renaissance High School, Corrina Cota found her teachers to be the biggest influence on her, each in their own way. “Mr. Conrad would tell the class, ‘You come to school to learn and fooling around won’t get you anywhere.’ Mrs. Anderson would always tell me how smart I was. She would also provide me with work I was really interested in. Mrs. Gillette would occasionally let me and sometimes other students work in her class at lunch time. That was great because it gave me that extra time to finish my other work. And last, but not least, Mrs. Wilson, she made me feel really comfortable while working in her class, and for that I finished all of her work really fast.”Corrina plans to attend Moorpark College and take classes to become a nurse. “That’s the most I want for now with my career. Just to graduate with a 4-month-old baby makes me so happy. To become a nurse would mean so much to me and I know that I can do it.” She chose Moorpark College because it’s “in my hometown... it would be easier for me to take care of my daughter, which is great. Also there will never be a problem with transportation. So I am grateful there is a college where I live.”Changes Corrina has seen at Renaissance she considers well made. “The school now has brand new computers in every room with access to programs every student needs.” As for the new surroundings at Renaissance High, “It’s looking beautiful. There are more flowers, plants, and even a new basketball court for the students. These changes are all for the students and that’s wonderful.”
Corrina’s advice to a freshman entering Renaissance High for the first time is to “be prepared to work hard if you want to be ahead and succeed.” she concludes, “I would also tell him/her whatever your actions are, whether they are good or bad, you’re on your own pace, and it’s all on you.”

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