DAR Meeting Dec. 1
November 28, 2007
Santa Paula News
The Golden West Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, to celebrate the begining of the Christmas season, will meet at Logsdon’s at the Airport in Santa Paula at noon Saturday, December 1st, for a luncheon meeting.
The Golden West Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, to celebrate the begining of the Christmas season, will meet at Logsdon’s at the Airport in Santa Paula at noon Saturday, December 1st, for a luncheon meeting. After Regent Lisa Frey welcomes the group and lunch is served she will lead the assembled in a brief opening, after which time a special program of Christmas music will be led by Donna Nelson. Guests and visitors are always welcome. Reservations are requested. Please call hostess Lisa Frey at 525-5059. For information on membership requirements or on the organization and its meetings, please go to the National DAR website at www. dar.org