Q: Do DMV field offices have different series of license plate numbers?A: License plates are issued in sequential order. The field offices are issued a quantity of license plates with consecutive numbers. The next time that same office orders additional license plates, it will receive a completely new series of numbers and letters, so yes, each office has a different series of license plate numbers. For online services, such as ordering random sequential plates or personalized vanity plates, go online to www.dmv.ca.gov, follow the online services tab and click on personalized plates. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient!Q. I lost my papers regarding renewing my license online. Why can’t I get another Renewal Identification Number (RIN)?A: The RIN is computer-generated and the only place it is printed is on the Driver License Renewal Notice, which is mailed to the driver at the address DMV has on file. DMV only generates one Driver License Renewal Notice and one RIN as a safeguard to protect your personal information online. However, if you qualify for renewal by Internet, you also qualify for renewal by mail, which does not require a RIN. If you lost your Driver License Renewal Notice you can go to www.dmv.ca.gov and print a copy of the Renewal by Mail Notice Form (DL 410 FO) and submit your renewal by mail. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient!Q: I just bought a new hybrid vehicle. Why can’t I obtain a Car Pool Lane sticker?A: The yellow Hybrid Clean Air Vehicle stickers were authorized by the Legislature as a pilot project to determine the impact of allowing hybrid vehicles with solo drivers to use the state’s High Occupancy Vehicle lanes. Legislators initially authorized the issuance of 75,000 stickers, and then authorized 10,000 more at a later date. The full 85,000 stickers have been issued, and no more are authorized by law. However, qualifying CNG, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles may be eligible for white stickers that will allow solo travel in HOV lanes. You can find more information here: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/decal.htm. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient
“Ask George” Expert Answers to Common DMV Questions
July 23, 2008
Santa Paula News
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Do you have questions about general driving related requirements like registration or insurance? Are you unclear about laws and restrictions related to driving? The California Department of Motor Vehicles has answers. “Save Time, Go Online,” at www.dmv.ca.gov. Now, readers can submit any DMV-related questions to askdmv@dmv.ca.gov!
Q: Which DMV Offices are open on Saturday?A: Several of DMV’s 169 field offices are open the third Saturday of each month from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The operating hours of every office in the state are available on the department’s website at http://www.dmv.ca.gov/fo/fotoc.htm, where you can also make appointments, see current wait times and locate other nearby offices. You may also contact the department by telephone at 800-777-0133 for information on office hours, addresses and directions. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient!Q: How can I contact a Driver Safety Office?A: The phone numbers, addresses, hours of service, as well as maps and directions to every DMV Driver Safety Office in the state are available on the department’s website at http://www.dmv.ca.gov/fo/fotocds.htm. You may also contact the department by telephone at 800-777-0133 for telephone numbers and locations of DMV’s Driver Safety Offices. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient!Q. I just purchased a new car. How can I find out what license plate number I am going to get?A: The license plate assigned to your vehicle is established at the time your application is processed by DMV. There is no way to determine ahead of time what license plate will be assigned to your vehicle, unless you apply for a personalized plate. It is an automated process, and the next available plate in the inventory of license plates is assigned to the vehicle by the computer at the time of processing. However, if you have a nickname or favorite saying that you’d care to display on a personalized license plate, you can check the availability and order that online at www.dmv.ca.gov. Go to the online services tab and click to personalized plates. Save Time. Go Online. It’s safe, secure and convenient!