Children can be forced or even tricked into abusive situations, which can include threats, bribes or pressuring a child into sexual activity. Most sexual abuse is committed by people the child already knows, as well as by complete strangers. Abuse often begins gradually and increases over time unless discovered.Although there can be physical evidence of sexual abuse, most often an abused child will have sudden and extreme changes in behavior, although not always. An abused child might show fear or dislike of certain people or places, have problems in school including poor grades, exhibit seductive behavior toward their friends and adults, show advanced sexual knowledge, or have regressive behavior such as bedwetting. Mood swings and hostile or aggressive behaviors can also be indicators of abuse.Most children don’t tell, even if they are asked, or refuse to talk about abuse because they are too young to explain what has happened, were threatened or bribed into secrecy by the abuser, fear they might be taken from their family, are afraid no one will believe them, blame themselves or believe the abuse is punishment, or feel too ashamed to tell. Telling on a loved one is also very, very difficult for a child, who fears getting the abuser in trouble.If you have any information regarding this or other cases of abuse, you are urged to contact Detective Lusk at 525-4474 extension 120.
SPPD: Man charged with second lewd act on different child
November 05, 2008
Santa Paula Police Department
An additional lewd acts on a child felony criminal charge was brought last week against a 22-year-old Santa Paulan who remains in custody on a separate molestation charge.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesAn additional lewd acts on a child felony criminal charge was brought last week against a 22-year-old Santa Paulan who remains in custody on a separate molestation charge.According to Santa Paula Police Department Detective David Lusk, Jose Guadalupe Garcia, 22, was arrested October 30 on the second charge after an 8-year-old boy told his mother “approximately three years ago Jose Garcia abused him.” At the time the second charge was filed, Garcia was awaiting a court date for his first arrest of committing lewd acts on a child, a 4-year-old female relative.“I am concerned that there may have been additional victims who have not yet come forward,” and Lusk said he would like to remind parents and guardians to “please remember to talk with children about inappropriate touching and encourage them not to be afraid to tell someone” if such behavior has occurred.Sexual abuse can be any sexual act performed with a child, to a child or in the presence of a child for the sexual gratification of another. Such abuse can range from unwanted touching and kissing to intercourse, and can also involve solicitation, exposing a child to or involvement in pornography.