Census 2010: Santa Paula has scant gain in decade, two cities lose

March 11, 2011
Santa Paula News

Santa Paula saw scant population gains in the first decade of the millennium, but fared better than two Ventura County cities that saw a dip in residents, according to 2010 results released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Data released Tuesday showed Santa Paula’s population grew by 2.5 percent over the decade, with a new count of 29,321 residents, compared to 28,598 counted in the 2000 Census. The numbers show Santa Paula gained 723 residents.

Although Ventura County overall had a 9.3 percent growth rate and now claims 823,318 residents, two cities, Ojai and Port Hueneme, saw their populations drop.

Ojai, home of the Famous Pink Moment when the setting sun casts the hue on its mountains, had a far less rosy census result with the loss of 5.1 percent of its residents, from 7,862 in 2000 to 7,461 last year. Port Hueneme had a smaller decrease in residents, 0.06 percent with its now 21,723 residents compared to the 21,845 counted a decade ago.

Double-digit population gains were seen in Camarillo (14.2 percent), Fillmore (10 percent), Oxnard (16.2 percent) and Simi Valley (11.6) percent. Of course the census only reflects those wiling to be counted, but officials believe the 2010 effort was one of the most successful ever. Population counts are an important tool, often tied to funding funneled to cities and counties on a per capita basis.

If people believe residents are leaving California in droves they should check the numbers: The Golden State’s population grew by 10 percent over the decade and now claims 37,253,956 residents, a gain of 3,382,303 over the decade.

Results for Census 2010 Ventura County are:

Camarillo: 2000 57,077, 2010 65,201 14.2 percent

Fillmore:  2000 13,363, 2010 15,002 10.0 percent

Moorpark: 2000 31,415, 2010 34,421   9.6 percent

Ojai: 2000   7,862, 2010   7,461  -5.1 percent

Oxnard: 2000 170,358, 2010 197,899 16.2 percent

Port Hueneme: 2000 21,845, 2010 21,723   -0.6 percent

Santa Paula: 2000 28,598, 2010 29,321 2.5 percent

Simi Valley: 2000 111,351, 2010 124,237 11.6 percent

Thousand Oaks: 2000 117,005, 2010 126,683 8.3 percent

Ventura:  2000 100,916, 2010 106,433 5.5 percent

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