Letters to the Editor

September 28, 2012

Vision assistance

To the Editor:

A group of people with low vision meets each first and third Wednesday at ten o’clock at the Senior Center in Santa Paula. This group is led by young ladies with many ways for people with declining vision to improve their lives. I have macular degeneration. These meetings have helped me to receive the following kinds if free help.

1. A talking book machine with a large library of books with free shipping

2. Improvements in my home lighting

3. Magnifiers

4. Special reading glasses

5. A device that will enlarge print

6. A machine that will read printed material to me

This group has helped me a great deal to cope as my vision declines. Come join us for a cup of coffee and help for your own vision problems.

John Calkins

Santa Paula

Help save America

To the Editor:

Voting day is getting close and it may be the most serious vote in my life. Our country is in a very serious mess as you know. Not at any time previous to the last nearly four years have so many been unemployed, lost their jobs and homes, and worried. The bills still come in. Always will. Yet our president who hasn’t yet shown a birth proof has spent more money (your tax money) the first year in office than any previous president in our history. He apologized to other countries about our actions. Gave a handshake and a hug to enemies. The president of Venezuela for starters. Has had Air Force One in the air many, many more hours than any other president, at $45,000 per hour. Has lied to us. Wanted to put his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible when sworn in. Tried to take away “all veteran rights” including medical benefits to our wounded and disabled discharged.

He wants your vote so badly he is promising items that he had four years to do. He doesn’t mention his brother who lives in a hut in Kenya in poverty. Flew twice to California to tell us to vote for Barbara Boxer, a loser. Yes, our country is in its worst shape since 1929 when the citizens were standing in soup lines. Today those unemployed and those who lost homes don’t even have a soup line. He seems to take a lot of vacations and golfing. He treats the welfare and illegals pretty nicely. There is so much more to say but not enough space.

We need a change “very” badly for the better treatment and well doing of our country, its people and its veterans who give their time to save our America. We need someone who knows work and courtesy to all and to get us back on the road so to speak. Vote for Mitt Romney on voting day. A very smart and knowledgeable person. And honest. We need his help now.

Ken Zimmet

Santa Paula

Unification YES

To the Editor:

As a former Elementary School Board member I strongly support the current efforts for the Unification of the Santa Paula Elementary Schools and the Santa Paula High School Districts. Having one Administration Office, rather than two separate offices, will not only reduce administration costs, it will result in a much smoother transition for the Elementary students and their parents. Vote YES on Unification of our Elementary and High School Districts.

Joyce Carlson   

Santa Paula

Blanchard Community Library Board elections

To the Editor:

I’m a member of the Blanchard Library Renovation Committee that was founded by Carol Hardison for the purpose of improving the physical status of the Library and enhancing the quality and quantity of services offered to the entire community. So far, this has included a year of analyzing and planning. The last three months and many, many hours of volunteer work has included sorting, cleaning, and trying to get some system of organization that would allow easier access to stored materials and books. Being on this committee has opened my eyes to greater needs and I am very excited that there will be three openings for new Board members this year.  

I’ve listened to all staff, the Friends of the Library, the parents, the volunteers and random community members. My conclusion is that we need strong leaders if the Library is going to be more viable in the lives of our community in future years. We are dealing with limited budgets, needed staff training, changes in policies, disorganization, access to the Internet issues meeting space and general space limitations.  

There are three people who I see as fully understanding the Library’s needs and leading us to upgrading the system so that its current condition never happens again. These three offer knowledge, moral guidance and concrete solutions to our needs.  

Linda Spink is a recently retired educator and an avid Library user. She has a good relationship with the staff and knows the children and the adult sections of the Library. Her background will be extremely valuable in matching the community needs with quality programs and policies.  

Lisa Sorensen has a big advantage. Her mom has worked there for almost 20 years and so Lisa knows the system and the concerns from the inside out. She also adds a business sense since she has dealt with budgets, purchasing and policies in her own career as a purchaser for the college district. Our renovation committee relies heavily on her expertise in planning, expediting and completing projects up to code.  

Maureen Coughlin probably uses the Library more than all of us. Her husband is a tutor at St. Thomas Aquinas College and she home schools her children with frequent trips to the Library. What better person to know what resources, policies and programs are needed. 

When you vote this year, vote for Linda, Lisa and Maureen. Remember L, L, & M. They can make it happen. We can have a Library that serves the entire community, is organized, has current policies and is respected by other Library Communities.  

Cathy Sorenson

Santa Paula

Re: “Inquiring minds want to know…” (9/21/2012) by Marsha M. Rea

To the Editor: 

It would be my hope that sooner or later the voter majority would come to their senses and realize that “NOTHING IS FREE” in this life or on this planet. If you ever feel you did receive something for free it was a kind gesture from someone else or it was taken from someone else, unwillingly. In either case that kind gesture was a transfer of someone else’s hard work. We or too many of us have come to the belief that State or Federal monies are an act of kindness from the U.S. government but in reality it was the acquiescence of the U.S. taxpayer. Rea’s recent articles have revolved around the subject of the amounts of chloride into the waste water systems and the alleged culprits that cause the pollution according to the state and federal agencies. Although Rea admittedly cannot for certain cite the real reason for the rise in chlorides she has nevertheless has been pushing for a supplemental system to the new wastewater treatment plant. This is all well and good but where does this money come from? Without discussing the merits and the need for the additional system, the issue of where the money to pay for this system should be answered first before going on to step #2. Unfortunately the writer of these articles, Marsha M. Rea has suggested using low interest loans or state grants. Here again, we’re enticed into asking federal or state government for money it doesn’t have; when do we wise up folks? I don’t know if Rea’s purpose for promoting her reverse osmosis system is political or environmentally driven but usually activists who promote their agenda will try to justify their cause with murky numbers, statistics and questionable information. Many Santa Paula residents already face a minimum of $85 per month in sewage fees attached to the water bill and it escalates in cost dependent on the usage. Imagine the outcry if additional fees are attached for this supplemental system, the senior citizens on fixed income, the minority rights activists and other unwilling participants. We have become accustomed to hearing of “free grants”, “free federal aid”, and other goodies but never realize that these windfalls all come disguised as higher taxes but sad to say the majority of the electorate continue their lives uninformed, uncaring and falsely believing that it doesn’t matter because they don’t have to pay for it but the caveat is your children or grandchildren will! If these thoughts are a sign of your principles or integrity; well “no problem”!

Andrew F. Castaneda

Santa Paula

Re: California’s Prop 30?

To the Editor: 

Governor Jerry Brown’s sales tax increase from 7.25% to 7.5% and the so called Millionaires Tax” is a phony and desperate disguise on the Brown’s behalf of propping up the public unions unfunded pension liabilities. This proposition has backing from the Democrat Party, Calif. Teacher’s Assoc., SEIU, Calif. School Employees Assoc. AFT, CFT, and other public unions as well as Jerry Brown. As of Sept. 17, $32 million had been raised on Yes on 32; $2.1 million had been raised by No on 32. All the ads, bumper stickers, etc. will of course be directed at your emotions; “it’s for the children”! And what cruel person, what low life, what uncaring millionaire or middleclass patriot would dare be against the “children”. Some colleges are now threatening tuition increases if the ballot measure fails, remember, “it’s for the children”! Now really, the educators seem to be the only ones getting any salary increase. Does the Chicago School District’s recent strike ring a bell? That strike was also meant; “it’s for the children”! So much money has been literally thrown into the schools coffers and where have you seen the difference, can anyone give an example without lying?

Andrew F. Castaneda

Santa Paula

Congratulations Chief Cordero

To the Editor: 

It is good to see our community pull together with law enforcement, as I see it, law enforcement is most successful when we all work together as a team. The Tip Jar Bandit capture is a beautiful example of the Santa Paula citizens showing a spirit that makes me proud to be a Santa Paula citizen. 

David Kaiser   

Santa Paula

For better schools

To the Editor:

I want to urge YES on Measure M, school unification. It’s a rare opportunity to help our youth.

Measure M is a community effort led by parents, our Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce, and City Council. It’s probably unrealistic to expect lower taxes, but students in unified districts enjoy better education at lower cost, a single calendar, and a coordinated curriculum from kindergarten through 12th grade. Unified districts are more attractive to prospective teachers.

If Measure M is adopted, a new unified district board will be elected. There are six candidates seeking election to it. To my knowledge, Michelle Kolbeck is the only one of the six opposed to Measure M, so I will be voting for the other five. It makes no sense to entrust control of a new unified district to someone who has told us it won’t work.

Delton Lee Johnson

Santa Paula

Moonlight party

To the Editor:

For those of you who didn’t go to the giant gala “Moonlight at the Ranch,” you missed a great time that was a big fun and social time. A few hours of dancing to the music from a live band on a real dance floor. There was a lot of food from vendors from Santa Barbara, Ojai, Santa Paula, Ventura and Oxnard among others and included in the ticket. A big drawing for gift prizes was well done (as always) during mid party time by always a good emcee Peggy Kelly.

There was (I’m guessing) about 600 plus revelers there for the sixth annual much fun party dressed in costumes of mystery films of the past. Gary Nasalroad and wife, John and Susan Kulwiec, and a tall blonde beauty (and that is very well meaning) uh, well uh, a, well done up long hair, uh, blonde something by a name of uh, “Miss” Kroon, uh. And Heidi Juarez.

A very well done hearse was constructed by Carlos Juarez and crew for a fun funeral parade with an oomp band even. And this fun gala couldn’t happen without the many volunteers, SPPD, Citizen Patrol and SPPD Explorers. Everyone there had a fun and social night at the big Limoneira Ranch gala.

All tickets and raffle ticket money goes to help the sponsors to buy equipment badly needed. There was/is no monies in their bank to buy these items. Sponsors are the Chamber, Santa Paula Police and Fire Departments. Our safety first.

Ken Zimmet

Santa Paula

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