Two staff members at Barbara Webster School have been honored for their efforts to help a student who was choking on a piece of candy. They were presented certificates of thanks from the Santa Paula Unified School Board. Pictured above are (l-r) Jeff Madrigal, SPUSD Board President Diana Ponce-Gomez, Lola Salcedo, District Superintendent Alfonso Gamino and Ana Forhan.

Barbara Webster School staff
members credited with saving
student from choking

March 28, 2014
Santa Paula News

By Brian D. Wilson Santa Paula Times Two staff members at Barbara Webster School have been honored for their efforts to help a student who was choking on a piece of candy.

Lola Salcedo and Ana Forhan were in the school office recently when a student came in, apparently having difficulty breathing. They both reacted and dislodged the candy from the student’s throat.

Principal Jeff Madrigal had high praise for the pair. “You never really know when the moment comes if you’re going to do the right thing,” he told District trustees. “I don’t think any of us knows what that will be like until that moment comes. That moment came at Barbara Webster.” He said the student staggered into the office from the playground. Salcedo soon realized he wasn’t breathing very well. She quickly applied the Heimlich maneuver.

Madrigal said, “I think he learned a lesson. I don’t know if he realizes that his mistake was overcome by the quick thinking of other people, but that’s the story.”

Salcedo said that she was glad she was there at the right time. 

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