Resisting weed abatement isn’t what it used to be

January 16, 2002
Santa Paula News
Resisting weed abatement isn’t what it used to be as demonstrated by the single property lien approved by the City Council at the Jan. 7 meeting. By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesResisting weed abatement isn’t what it used to be as demonstrated by the single property lien approved by the City Council at the Jan. 7 meeting.Weed abatement is a highly effective way to prevent or contain the spread of fire, but during the early 1990s the number of those who failed to clear their property without city notice soared to close to 200.But during the 2001 city weed abatement program only about 40 property owners were notified by registered mail and the subject properties also posted with a weed abatement notice. Almost all property owners complied.But, according to Acting Fire Chief Rick Araiza, two parcels remained uncleared; Commercial Grounds Maintenance was called in to clear the properties and the parcel owners billed.One owner paid for the work, the other didn’t, according to AFC Araiza’s report, and the lien request resulted.
“The requested lien will secure payment for the city’s expenditures, plus a $300 administrative charge and $35 lien fee for a grand total of $430,” he noted.The lien is placed on property tax rolls and if left unpaid could eventually lead to the city moving to acquire the property to satisfy the debt.AFC Araiza later said he is pleased that property owners have become more proactive when it comes to weed abatement.“I think over the years people have gotten used to the annual program and know that around June they have to start cutting their weeds,” he noted.AFC Araiza also credited a “rising awareness of fire hazard. . .people have become well aware of the fire danger and get out there and clear their property.”Although pleased with this year’s successful weed abatement program, “Next year I’m hoping,” for 100 percent compliance, AFC Araiza added.

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