“Boom Town: A Musical Celebration for Baby Boomers and Boomer’s Babies” continues a series of concerts featuring local artists that are co-sponsored by the Santa Paula Theater Center. A portion of the proceeds of this concert will benefit the Santa Paula Theater Center. Tickets for John Slade’s concert evening are $18 for adults, $15 for students and seniors and $12 for children 12 & under, and can be purchased at the door. For more information, call the SPTC box office at 805-525-4645.
Boomer Town: John Slade in concert
May 23, 2007
Santa Paula News
The Santa Paula Theater Center proudly presents singer/songwriter John Slade in concert in “Boomer Town: A Musical Celebration for Baby Boomers and Boomer’s Babies” on Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. at the Santa Paula Theater Center, 125 South 7th St. in Santa Paula.
The Santa Paula Theater Center proudly presents singer/songwriter John Slade in concert in “Boomer Town: A Musical Celebration for Baby Boomers and Boomer’s Babies” on Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. at the Santa Paula Theater Center, 125 South 7th St. in Santa Paula.Singer-songwriter John Slade’s lyrics have a sly twinkle (shades of Warren Zevon) and his piano-driven songs hearken back to the best of those other Johns: Elton and “Doctor.” A riveting live performer, John’s songs are ABOUT something. His recently released album, “Boomer Town,” shimmers with explosive rockers like “Big Man Got the Money,” and tender love songs that reach to the heart of personal relationships. No Beatles-bred boomer baby could resist John’s ode to friendship, “Where Are They Now?” while “The Home for Old Rock and Rollers” is simply fun, funny, and dangerously addictive. You can listen to his songs online at CD Baby.John is best known in our neck of the woods as the Renaissance Man who directed Santa Paula Theater Center’s hit comedies “Tartuffe” and “Lettice & Lovage,” and who in mid-July will play King Lear for Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival in Thousand Oaks. Is there a disparity here? “Not at all,” says John. “When I received my classical acting training back in the 60s, my biggest influences were Peter O’Toole, Laurence Olivier, and Jim Morrison.” He grins. “It’s all rock and roll to me.”