Council asks for PERS waiver to keep Kus as Interim Planning Director

August 27, 1999
Santa Paula City Council
She’d had the going away party and accolades, city seal tile and watch, and now she’s been back for a while longer: Joan Kus, Interim Planning Director, was granted a waiver request by the City Council to stay on her old job temporarily so her retirement benefits won’t be jeopardized. Kus, who retired in December 1998 after being the chief of the city’s Planning Department for a decade, was called back into city service when Kathleen Mallory, who followed Kus into the position, had to take an extended maternity leave. Kus was hired as the interim director to replace Mallory during her absence.Mother and baby boy are doing fine, but Kus - under parameters of the Public Employees Retirement System - can only work until September 28 without jeopardizing her PERS retirement plan.During calendar year 1999, Kus can only work 960 hours without the threat to her retirement benefits, but City Manager Peter Cosentini requested the Board of Governors of the California Public Employees Retirement System to extend Kus’ temporary employment.“The City Council of Santa Paula desires to retain the services of Kus as Interim Planning Director, a position of limited duration and requiring special skills, for an additional period not to exceed 960 hours in order to prevent stoppage or public business and because of her specialized skills as Planning Director,” noted the City Council resolution.
Kus oversaw the creation of the General Plan update, initiated an adult business ordinance and completed the state mandated housing elements during her 10-year career with the City of Santa Paula.The City Council adopted the resolution asking for more of Kus’ professional time without comment at the August 16 meeting.

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