Edison huge garage sale
August 01, 2007
Santa Paula News
Southern California Edison is holding their 2007 TDBU Employee Contributions Campaign by holding a huge Garage Sale on Saturday August 4th, in the Southern California Edison parking lot at 10060 Telegraph Rd. in Ventura, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Southern California Edison is holding their 2007 TDBU Employee Contributions Campaign by holding a huge Garage Sale on Saturday August 4th, in the Southern California Edison parking lot at 10060 Telegraph Rd in Ventura from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.Donations are requested of sellable and in good working condition items such as furniture, sporting goods, clothing, DVDs, books, tools, electronics, household items. For donation drop offs or questions contact Monique Castro, (805) 654-7282 or John Dieli, (805) 223-1871. All donations will be accepted through August 4th and all proceeds benefit the Ventura County Rescue Mission.