Front row: Dylan Byrum, Chuck Oehmke, Eddie Lopez, Kristin Harvey, Charles Clendening, Tashah Martin, Crystal Martin, Sydney Anderson. Back row: Taylor Carter, Austin Araiza, Brittnee Carter, Kinsey Reed, Craig Harvey, Christopher Zach, Nolan Woodruff, Ashleigh Clendening, Robert Dyer, Ray Mini, Cecilia Marella.

Mupu 4-H Wins Trophy at Ventura County Fair

September 14, 2007
Santa Paula News
Mupu 4-H members won the Arlie Harvey Memorial trophy at the 2007 Ventura County Fair. The award is presented to the club that has the highest score from the judges after a week of daily inspections in the large livestock department. 4-H project members were judged on the cleanliness of the animal and pens, decorations and educational displays, how friendly members were, and whether members could answer the question of the day.Mupu 4-H had 34 swine project members and 5 sheep project members showing animals at the fair.Mupu 4-H meets on the second Monday of the month at the Centro Cristiano Church, on the corner of Steckel Drive and Harvard Blvd., next door to Taco Bell.

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