Councilman Bob Gonzales - who has been spearheading the issue - at a previous Council meeting suggested several locations that could be leased on a temporary basis, based on his conversations with the property owners.Such a project could include the partnership of AYSO and other sponsors he noted.Such parks could be “used temporarily until Adams Canyon builds parks” that will take the use pressure off of the city’s limited inventory of soccer fields, said Gonzales.The plan might be “pie in the sky,” but with little success in garnering a partnership with area schools “I can’t sit here and not watch kids play...”Other issues being considered by the Council at Monday’s meeting is tweaking a proposed draft ordinance affecting non-conforming uses - such as single-family homes built on property now zoned commercial - and starting the process of creating an ordinance so that that potential buyers will have an easier time financing such properties.Realtor Anita Pulido has appeared before the Council several times addressing the issue of how single-family homes on now-zoned commercial lots are highly difficult to sell due to lenders concerns of city restrictions.Streetlights in the historic district remain dark a resident of the McKevett/8th Street area said Thursday although work continues.The Council will be updated on the streetlight repair project at Monday’s meeting.City Hall is located at 970 E. Ventura St.
Council to discuss soccer fields, property zoning issues Monday
October 12, 2007
Santa Paula City Council
The City Council will consider expanding park space and moving into the next step of the Design/Build/Operate/Finance process for the new wastewater treatment plant at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council will consider expanding park space and moving into the next step of the Design/Build/Operate/Finance process for the new wastewater treatment plant at Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting.The session will start at 5:30 p.m. with interviews for the Santa Paula Housing Authority Commission and the Mobile Home Rent Review Commission.Following the interviews the Council will adjourn into closed session to discuss existing litigation.The 6:30 open session will be televised live by Time Warner Cable Channel 10 and rebroadcast per schedule.The Council will hear a presentation on the October 20 “Santa Paula Beautiful” event by Public Works Director/City Engineer Cliff Finley before moving on to regular business including proposed allocations for the COPS grant.Police Chief Steve MacKinnon is requesting that the 2007-2008 $100,000 grant again be allocated to continued operations of the Las Piedras Park Community Policing building and other programs.The Council will also consider which of the five candidate teams who submitted their qualifications for the wastewater treatment plant DBOF will be asked to submit proposals.The Council will also receive a report on creating temporary soccer fields from Community Services Director Brian Yanez.The lack of soccer fields has been an ongoing issue including numerous public comment on the lack of play areas and concern by the Council of land availability as well as current field maintenance.