Event sponsor is Santa Clara Valley Disposal, Nan Drake, 647-1414. Call the Chamber office by noon November 12 to make reservations, 525-5561. Bring a friend and remind all others to be there! The general public is welcome.
Good Morning Santa Paula
October 26, 2007
Santa Paula News
The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, November 13 at 7 a.m. at The Grove at the Glen Tavern, 134 N. Mill Street.
The next program of Good Morning Santa Paula will be held on Tuesday, November 13 at 7 a.m. at The Grove at the Glen Tavern, 134 N. Mill Street. Included in the price ($12 for advance reservations and $15 at door - no-shows will be billed) will be a full buffet breakfast, guest speakers, and special presentations.Speakers on the agenda include Joanne Torres, coordinator, Network for a Healthy California; Kimberly Ramirez and Terri Felix on Big Brothers & Sisters of Ventura County; Marsha Rea on the Santa Paula Hospital Dinner Party; Mayor Ray Luna with “What’s Going On”; and from Senator George Runner’s office, a legislative update by Linda Johnson.