Usually, the outgoing mayor (right) Ray Luna, passes on the gavel to the incoming mayor (left) Bob Gonzales. In this case Luna tries to pass on to incoming mayor Bob Gonzales an apple and banana. Photo by Don Johnson

Luna receives traditional gavel, thanks as he steps down as Mayor

December 12, 2007
Santa Paula City Council
By Peggy Kelly Santa Paula TimesMayor Ray Luna received the traditional gavel as he stepped down as the city’s top Councilperson at the December 3 meeting. A city native and former City of Ventura firefighter, Luna received the gavel from newly selected Mayor Bob Gonzales.“I would like to thank former Mayor Luna for his dedication and hard work and his number of hours spend in the community working with the community,” said Gonzales. Luna also enjoyed a strong relationship with staff, as well as the numerous people he dealt on behalf of the city.Gonzales noted that the personable Luna spent much time “talking with people about Santa Paula as a whole,” and working at “finding solutions” to better the city. “Thank you very much for your work and your dedication to Santa Paula,” said Gonzales.“I act tough, but down deep inside I feel emotional,” said a visibly touched Luna. “As a kid I was hit by a car while on my bike on Ventura Street... I grew up in the neighborhood and I’m passionate about the neighborhood, passionate about housing” opportunities for the community. Santa Paula is a unique city that “gives everybody an opportunity to be Mayor,” and Luna said that when he retires, even if his home is not Santa Paula, his passion for the city will never waver.
Earlier in the meeting, several citizens had expressed their appreciation to Luna for his efforts during his one-year term as Mayor. “We really appreciate the job this Mayor done, he’s made an honest effort” to unite the community, said Delton Lee Johnson. Larry Sagely agreed, noting, “I echo that Mayor Luna has done an outstanding job.”Luna did an “excellent job,” said Yolie Cerda. “We are proud you have stood strong” through problems and challenging times.

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