The Santa Paula High School Human Services Academy seniors: (In alphabetical order) Esperanza Aguilar, Amanda Borjas, Breanna Castaneda, Ramon Castillo, Monica Castro, Brittany Daniels, Mark Dryer, Julie Estrada, Genevieve Finley, Gabriel Frutos, Jasmine Garcia, Maria Garcia, Cindy Granados, Alyssa Grant, Diana Hardin, Ciana Lee, Valeria Mancilla, Esteban Minero, Marisela Ortiz, Ana Rojas, Ivan Vasquez Rojas, Irene Sandoval, Melissa Tinoco, Luz Uribe, Elizabeth Velasco, Maria Zacarias.

All Human Services Academy seniors apply to colleges

March 05, 2008
Santa Paula High School
By Brian D. Wilson Santa Paula TimesFor the first time ever, 100 percent of the seniors in the Santa Paula High School Human Services Academy have applied to four-year colleges.The 26 seniors sent out 101 applications to California State Universities. In addition, eight seniors also sent 29 applications to the University of California. Private and out-of-state colleges received 22 applications. “It’s not just one adult that helped shape this,” said teacher Jill Gregory. “It takes a team of teachers, administrators, parents, the community and coaches. The whole community really stepped up to the plate.”
The 26 seniors in the academy have quite a list of accomplishments. All of them have gone on various field trips and done job shadowing. Two students have taken part in internships of 75 hours each. The group has an average Grade Point Average of 3.29, with the highest being 4.17.Of the 26 seniors, 11 are eligible for the UC system, 22 have taken transferable community college classes, two or more participated in the California Lutheran University summer program and all 26 took the required university entrance exams. 18 of the students had already met graduation requirements before starting their senior year. The HAS seniors are in the top 30 percent of their class.

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