“Santa Paulans always show up for important events, so we are prepared for a houseful,” said SPFD Chaplain Kay Wilson-Bolton. “We are one of few communities that recognizes the importance of individual readiness because we have been talking about it for so long.” And, she added, “Community survival is guaranteed if the neighborhoods know what to do when the disaster hits - that’s the job of public safety leadership and we are ready.”Lazenby said Saturday’s Forum is geared to those that might be called upon to offer more service or find business resources strained in the case of an emergency or disaster. “Churches have buildings” where many in the congregation as well as the surrounding neighborhood could find shelter, “restaurants might be called upon to feed disaster survivors and emergency responders... child or elder care facilities would also face challenges” in not only dealing with an emergency, but also with logistics if movement was required.First responders across the nation acknowledge they would be overwhelmed in the case of a large disaster or emergency, and are urging community members to become more involved and able to help themselves - and others - not if, but when disaster or an emergency strikes.“It’s coming together pretty well,” Lazenby said of the Forum. “It’s going to be a worthwhile event... if we can get the people to attend it will be pretty good... good for them, good for public safety personnel and good for the entire community.”Reservations to attend the Forum are requested. Call 933-4297 to reserve your spot or obtain more information.
Date with disaster: Saturday emergency readiness forum a must go
October 03, 2008
Santa Paula News
If you own a business, manage employees, are an employee, own a building, attend a church, are in a unique business such as healthcare provider, veterinarian, pharmacist, restaurant, elder care, grocery store, school administrator, or anything else, you’ve got an important date Saturday that could save lives.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesIf you own a business, manage employees, are an employee, own a building, attend a church, are in a unique business such as healthcare provider, veterinarian, pharmacist, restaurant, elder care, grocery store, school administrator, or anything else, you’ve got an important date Saturday that could save lives.The “Ready. Safe. Santa Paula!” Emergency Preparedness Forum will be held October 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Limoneira Pavilion (at Hallock Drive just south of East Telegraph Road), and feature a variety of presentations by public safety personnel among others.Santa Paula Citizens Corps and the City are sponsors of the forum that will provide “anything you need to know and can do in our next critical incident, emergency, disaster, fire, dam break, flood, the Great Quake of ‘08 and the fear pandemic flu outbreak,” according to Santa Paula Fire Captain Steve Lazenby, the city’s emergency preparedness coordinator, who will be a presenter at the wide-ranging forum. Fire Chief Rick Araiza, Police Chief Steve MacKinnon, the Red Cross and Ventura County Public Health will also offer presentations.Members of Santa Paula CERT, the largest single volunteer group of emergency response trained citizens in all of Ventura County, will be assisting.