Santa Paula High School holds carnival
February 11, 2009
Santa Paula High School
As a reward for the success last year at the STAR test, and to kick off the countdown to the STAR this year, Santa Paula High School celebrated with the first ever STAR Carnival! Friday January 30th students went to the baseball field during 6th period for the festivities.
Food and activities were offered by the various clubs at SPHS during the carnival. Items like nachos, churros, corn on the cob, fruit cups, popcorn, cow patty bingo, face painting, water, pie toss, strawberry shortcake, ping pong toss, snow cones, hot cocoa, photo booth, root beer Floats and cucumber slices.The goal for this years’ STAR test is 700. Left photo, (left) Assistant Principal Alfonso Garagarza and (right) Jerry Cruz wait to be hit with the next pie. Right photo, Alex Luna marries SPHS students during the carnival.