The Council will be asked to consider whether or not they should amend the Santa Paula/Fillmore/County Greenbelt to include replacement acreage for removal of Limoneira East Area 1, slated for future development. The Council will also consider whether to amend the current Greenbelt agreement and make it an ordinance.The Council will hold a dicussion of R3 and R4 zoned property and the development standards for same, before considering whether or not to amend municipal code in the case of medium-high and high-density residential zones. The Housing Element update will be presented by Planning Director Janna Minsk, and Finance Director John Quinn will offer the monthly budget update.A long delayed report on street sweeping activities will be presented by Interim Public Works Director Jon Turner, and City Attorney Karl Berger will give a report on graffiti regulations. The Council will also receive an update on the four million gallon potable water tank design, consider declaring property along the Santa Clara River as surplus opening the way to disposing of same, and consider the city’s recycled water master plan.The Council, which has expressed an interest in hiring an Economic Development Director, will discuss possible next steps to take, and consider modifying the residency requirements and a time limit for the display of Armed Forces Banners. The Council will also discuss whether or not to seek a commission-based grant writer.City Hall is located at 970 E. Ventura Street.
Diverse issues and a packed agenda for Council’s Monday meeting
March 13, 2009
Santa Paula City Council
An update on city graffiti ordinances, parceling out Community Development Block Grants, discussing development standards for zoned high density parcels and consideration of a greenbelt amendment are just a few of the items on Monday’s packed City Council agenda.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesAn update on city graffiti ordinances, parceling out Community Development Block Grants, discussing development standards for zoned high density parcels and consideration of a greenbelt amendment are just a few of the items on Monday’s packed City Council agenda.The March 16 meeting will open at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Conference Room before the Council moves into closed session to discuss labor negotiations and property negotiations. The Council will also be updated on existing and anticipated litigation by Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation related to the Plaza Amistad project.The Council will meet in open session at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting will be televised live - and replayed according to schedule - by Time Warner Cable Channel 10.Fire Chief Rick Araiza will present official badges to Reserve Firefighters, John Procter will tell the Council of the upcoming April 25-26 Relay for Life, and a proclamation will be presented to Dave Rodriguez noting the 2010 Census.First up will be the public hearing on the allocation of the shrinking pot of Community Development Block Grants, per recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee.