Bank gets rehab money

December 29, 2000
Santa Paula News
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust is the first recipient of the City of Santa Paula’s Downtown Seismic Rehabilitation Program grant. Bank officials received $58,665.05 as a first installment of their grant for the seismic rehabilitation of their buildings at 944 and 948 E. Main Street. The rehabilitation of their buildings is now complete. They are eligible to receive $104,665.05 in funding. The grant is funded by the State of California through the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The City of Santa Paula is eligible to receive 4.2 million dollars for the purpose of stabilizing 100 unreinforced masonry buildings in the downtown area. Information about the program is available by calling the City of Santa Paula Building and Safety Department at 933-4276. Left to right are Christina Burgett, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust Vice President/Manager; Mayor Don Johnson; Sue Chadwick, Senior Vice President, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust; Bob Voorhees, Manager Community Banking Group for Santa Barbara Bank & Trust; and, Steve Stuart, Building and Safety Director, City of Santa Paula. Photo by Debbie Johnson

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