DAR meeting November 14
October 30, 2009
Santa Paula News
The Golden West Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution will be holding their November 14th meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 117 N. 7th St., Santa Paula at noon.
The Golden West Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution will be holding their November 14th meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 117 N. 7th St., Santa Paula at noon. After a brief opening by Regent Donna Rogers and lunch, the program regarding “The Year the Chinese Discovered America” will be presented by Gretchen Frey.Visitors are always welcome and if you wish to attend please notify hostesses Linda Ferris (933-2127) or Linda Stallard (482-7201). A reservation is necessary as a light lunch will be served. We are always interested in answering questions about our organization or information about the DAR is available on the website - - www.dar.org.