Two retiring city employees were honored by the City Council at the January 4 meeting, where they received proclamations and City Tiles for their years of dedicated service.
Vice Mayor Fred Robinson said Public Works Department employee David Hamersley joined city staff in November 1996 as a maintenance worker. Hamersley was soon promoted, and promoted again, and, said Robinson, “He has been responsible for solid waste collection and keeping the streets clean and safe for our citizens.” The latter included an incident where Hamersley came across a house fire and his quick action was credited with not only alerting the family, but also limiting damages. Robinson said Hamersley has shown “tireless dedication and commitment to the residents of the city as well as to his co-workers,” who admired Hamersley’s attention to detail and assignment completion. “He was dedicated to getting the job done, and with high ethical standards,” service that will be missed.
Julia Romero, the 2009 Santa Paula Police Department’s Civilian Employee of the Year, was hired by the city in November 1999, said Councilman Bob Gonzales.
Gonzales, the former police chief, told Romero, “You meant a lot to the department and were one of the first people I hired... I was amazed at Julia’s background and experience. I thought I had to hire that lady, she’s going to be really good... she was.”
As a records clerk, Romero “served with distinction, honor and good humor,” while offering public assistance at the counter, and with her eye for detail in transcribing police reports. “Julia was viewed as our in-house expert in domestic violence restraining orders,” and her “knowledge of the countywide system” was invaluable in the SPPD’s working relationship with county services.
In addition, Gonzales said, Romero’s “excellent translation abilities” were highly sought, and she was considered a “goodwill ambassador,” with a pleasant and caring manner. Gonzales presented Romero with the proclamation and City Tile, noting, “I commend you for your 10 years of loyal service and wish you a long, relaxing retirement. You gave 110 percent all the time, and when we had potlucks” everyone looked forward to Romero’s delicious contributions.
“I’m really happy for both of you,” and Mayor Jim Tovias said Hamersley and Romero have both “earned your retirement and I hope you have a wonderful time. Santa Paula is lucky to have such competent, dedicated people with a passion for the city.”