Upcoming Library Centennial Year Celebration events

May 21, 2010
Santa Paula News

June events to commemorate Blanchard Community Library’s 100 years of service to the City of Santa Paula focus on the theme of cookbooks and cooking.

Also of note is the beginning of the children’s Summer Reading Program. June events include:

• June 1-30 - Cookbook Display: an ongoing display of the unique collection of cookbooks by Edna L. Taylor and other well known authors

• June 10, 7 p.m. – A community evening program on the history of Familia Diaz Restaurant, an acclaimed and long time Santa Paula business. Sandi Diaz Tovias will tell about the Familia Diaz Restaurant and offer samples of its fine cuisine.

• June 22, 6:30 p.m. – The children’s Summer Reading Program begins with a presentation and visit by Ronald McDonald. Reading themes for the programs this summer are “Make A Splash” for the younger children and “Make Waves at Your Library” for teens.

The public is invited, free of charge, to all events at Blanchard Community Library. The library is located at 119 N. 8th St., Santa Paula. For information about these and other library programs and events, please call 525-3615.

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