Santa Paula High School PTA 2010 Membership Drive

October 06, 2010
Santa Paula High School

Santa Paula High School PTA is currently running its 2010 membership drive.

Local proceeds are used to pay for parent workshops and to support student programs like Safe and Sober Graduation. Membership costs $10 for parents, teachers, and community members, and $5 for students. Visit to learn about member benefits like discounts at local retailers and access to parenting resources.

Businesses who sign up for a community membership receive a certificate of appreciation that can be displayed in the business to show community support. SPHS PTA is also accepting donations from businesses to use for its upcoming silent auction and dinner fundraiser, and for teacher appreciation events. To apply for membership or make a donation, or for more information, please contact PTA president Daniel Villanueva at 805-229-1326 or

SPHS PTA would also like to thank Round Table Pizza, Baskin Robins, and Garden Market for supporting the teacher appreciation dinner at Back to School Night. You can help provide additional financial support to the PTA by signing up for eScrip so that when you shop at VONS, part of your purchase will be donated back to SPHS PTA. To sign up your VONS Club Card, visit or Glenda Learn in the high school Career Center. Our group ID is 500018881.

Santa Paula High School PTA Upcoming Events

SPHS PTA meets every third Thursday of the month in the Career Center on the high school campus. The next executive meeting is on Thursday, October 21st at 3:30 p.m. This is an earlier meeting than usual in order to accommodate teachers. All parents, teachers, and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We especially need volunteers willing to serve on the Fundraising Committee, Programs Committee, or Membership/Outreach Committee. All meetings are conducted in both English and Spanish.

SPHS PTA will be hosting a College Preparedness Workshop on Thursday, October 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the high school Career Center. This workshop will help parents and students understand the requirements for university admission, and the process for applying to and paying for college. Counselors and university representatives will be available after the presentation to answer questions. The workshop will be conducted in both English and Spanish. All parents and students are encouraged to attend.

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