Breakfast of Champions to feature Olmos, benefit ‘Positive Place for Kids’
May 18, 2011
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
Elevated family incomes, fewer teenage pregnancies, lower crime rates, higher high school graduation rates and overall happier kids are the impacts Boys & Girls Clubs offer communities, including the clubs under the umbrella of the Santa Clara Valley organization.
With studies reaffirming that clubs are indeed the “The Positive Place for Kids,” more and more people are also seeing the overall long-term positive impacts to society afforded through club services.
And some of those Club Kids that are success stories are high profile and generous in giving back: acclaimed actor, director and humanitarian Edward James Olmos is such an alumni who attended the Boys & Girls Club of East Los Angeles. Olmos, a noted champion of youth, is the featured speaker for the Fourth Annual Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley “Breakfast of Champions” to be held May 26.
Police Chief Steve MacKinnon will be the master of ceremonies for the breakfast that will start at 7:30 a.m. and be held at 814 E. Main St., the former JC Penny building. The “Breakfast of Champions” marks the end of the club’s annual One Campaign, which encouraged donors to “Be the one to make a difference in a child’s life!”
It takes just one caring adult, one Boys & Girls Club, one gift to forever impact the life of a river valley child. And the Breakfast of Champions celebrates supporters of youth and “The Positive Place for Kids” with a giving opportunity that is by invitation only.
You won’t want to miss the inspirational remarks and insights of “Club Kid” Edward James Olmos, a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Alumni Hall of Fame. There is no admission to the breakfast and those who would like to attend are urged to contact the club to explore seating opportunities, 805-525-7910.