City Council: Full-time Santa Paula firefighters get 20 percent raise

July 20, 2001
Santa Paula City Council

Santa Paula’s small band of full-time firefighters got a 20 percent raise including 90 days retroactive pay, a boost worth about $51,597 this year, but still remain the lowest paid professional firefighters in Ventura County.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesSanta Paula’s small band of full-time firefighters got a 20 percent raise including 90 days retroactive pay, a boost worth about $51,597 this year, but still remain the lowest paid professional firefighters in Ventura County.Represented by the Ventura County Professional Firefighters Association, the six-member department, three each of engineers and captains, finalized the new contract with City Council approval in June; the pay increase will be retroactive to March.The Santa Paula Fire Department also has two full-time administrators, Chief Paul Skeels and Assistant Chief Rick Araiza.
Under the new contract, salaries for engineers will increase from $33,520 to $40,439 annually; captains will see an increase from $34,520 to $42,142 annually. Like other city employees, full-time firefighters also receive $456 a month under the cafeteria plan for health benefits.The fire department’s paid-call volunteer firefighters previously received a 6 percent raise over a two-year period: the new rate of pay for rookies will go up to $9.72 over the two-year period from their present $9.15 an hour, with a two-hour minimum per call. Paid-call volunteers with the rank of captain and engineer are paid more.Public relations are spelled out in the memorandum of understanding for full-time firefighters, noting that the fire department “values the citizens it is charged with protecting. All personnel are considered a resource that represent the philosophy, goals, objectives, direction ad the professional demeanor of the city. Our citizens are considered ‘highly valuable customers’ which the department and its representative employees are privileged to serve. Contact with any citizen shall be considered an opportunity to make a positive and professional impact. It shall be the responsibility of all members of the department to represent the city’s ‘Service Ethic’ philosophy citywide.”Santa Paula firefighters double as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and respond to over 1,000 medical calls each year.

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