The film includes personal accounts from patients, family members, doctors, nurses, clergy, and national experts on the physical, social and emotional issues related to dying. A discussion will follow featuring Lanyard K. Dial, MD, Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice Medical Director. RSVP: (805) 658-0365.
Documentary Film
February 15, 2013
Santa Paula News
A Documentary Film and Discussion on a Taboo Subject: Attend this free informative film “Consider the Conversation”, which examines how we view life’s final chapter and how talking about what we want, in advance, prevents unnecessary suffering.
Sponsored by Livingston Memorial Hospice and Scan Senior Resource Center, the film will be shown on Thursday, February 28th, from 9:00 am - 11:00 am @ the SCAN Senior Resource Center, 1001 Partridge Dr., Suite 200, Ventura, CA.