SPUSD superintendent gets
pay hike second time around
December 16, 2015
By Brian D. Wilson
Santa Paula News
Last month the Governing Board of the Santa Paula Unified School District rejected a five percent pay raise for Superintendent Alfonso Gamino on a 2-2 vote, but the pay hike has now been approved.
Board member Christina Urias was absent from the meeting in November, but attended the meeting last week and cast the deciding vote for the increase. Board members Michelle Kolbeck and Kelsey Stewart, as they did last month, voted against the raise.
Gamino will receive a base salary of $177,840, retroactive to July 1 of 2015. In addition he is entitled to the same health and welfare benefits as certificated management employees receive, including medical, dental, vision and life insurance. The new base salary includes $4,800 annually for car expenses. He also will receive mileage for trips outside of Ventura County.
Under terms of the contract, Gamino is required to work not less than 224 days each year. The Board can require him to work additional days, not to exceed 10 days, payable at his current daily rate of pay. Gamino is the first superintendent for the Santa Paula Unified School District, which was formed in 2013.
In another matter the board has approved spending an additional $67,860 for a cooling center study.
The Governing Board last month approved spending $114,000 to conduct a study of solutions and costs to add air conditioned spaces at eight school sites, in Multipurpose rooms, and explore strategies for cost effective solutions at each site. The proposal also included the main buildings at Barbara Webster and Isbell Middle School.
The new proposal adds seven school sites to the study. KBZ Architects was hired to do the study. Board member Chris Wilson asked that the architect include the 300 and 400 wings at the high school in the study. The study will get underway in January.