In March the VCPFA filed a lawsuit arising out of comments made in an email from city Human Resources Manager Lorena Alvarez that certain grant funded firefighter positions, upon their vacancy, would remain open and would be backfilled with reserve firefighters. VCPFA alleged that the email violated the “classified relief” provision in the city’s memorandum of understanding (MOU) with VCPFA. VCPFA named the City, City Manager Fontes, Alvarez and Fire Chief Rick Araiza as defendants. Among other things, VCPFA sought damages in excess of $25,000 for lost shifts and overtime as well as attorneys’ fees.
According to the staff report, “The City already had a practice of attempting to fill vacant positions regularly staffed by full-time firefighters with other full-time firefighters. The settlement agreement commits the City to department staffing policies that are currently applied at the captain and engineer ranks. The City, however, retains its management authority to hire and lay off employees and otherwise set staffing levels. For its part, VCPFA has agreed to give up its claim for monetary compensation arising out of this dispute, whether in the form of damages or attorneys’ fees.”
The settlement, if approved by the council, will not result in the outlay of funds by the city.
“The settlement agreement merely confirms pre-existing City staffing practices,” notes the staff report. “It requires no payment of money by the City. Because the settlement confirms current Fire Department practice regarding the use of full-time officers, there should not be an increase in the payment of overtime.”
City Hall is located at 970 E. Ventura St.