SCE faces future with alternate
energy, SPSA tells of art show benefits

January 15, 2016
Santa Paula News

Southern California Edison continues to be in business to provide energies although there have been changes that are gradually shrinking the utility giant, those attending a recent Sunrise Santa Paula meeting learned.

Also, a representative of the Santa Paula Society of the Arts noted the benefits to the business community during the annual art show.

The breakfast meeting, held at Café Flight 126, is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, which also acted as the host. 

Rudy Gonzales, longtime SCE veteran, told the crowd that he is now the Region Manager replacing Nancy Williams, who formerly served the area and is now retired.

“I’m covering her area now,” and although Gonzales said, “You probably won’t see much of me but if there’s a need give me a call…”

SCE he noted, “Operates differently than before,” and the advent of solar, wind and other power sources means “We envision a future where we are the alternate energy…”

Leonardo Trebels, a SCE technical specialist who handles engineering and design solutions, said because of infrastructure needs and other overhead costs generating electricity has become much more expensive. 

Gonzales suggested that consumers — whether business or residential — visit the SCE website, to learn more about rates, energy efficiency tips, rebate programs, services and emergency preparedness.

With the upcoming El Nino Trebels said it is expected there will be downed power lines that will not only interrupt service but also create life-threatening situations.

Never touch or step in water near a downed wire. If someone comes across anyone who might have come in contact with a downed power line Trebels said do not try to assist, as “The only way you can help them is by calling 911…” 

Consumers can call SCE to report a power outage at 1-800-611-1911 or report it online at the SCE Outage Center link. Reporting it online also offers updates via text, e-mail or phone as they happen.

Laura Brooks of the Santa Paula Society of the Arts told the group the 79th Annual Santa Paula Art & Photography Exhibit would be held in March at the Blanchard Community Library.

The famed show is the oldest such juried event in the state and draws more than 300 entries that are accepted for display and possible prize money.

Brooks noted the exhibit and the opening reception, “Draws people from other counties that come to Santa Paula to see the exhibit, to shop, browse and eat in our restaurants…”

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