Candidates must also file a Notice of Intent and 501 Bank Statement, which is required by the Secretary of State. The submission of such paperwork to the state triggers formal filing and the assignment of an official number to report campaign contributions.There are three council seats up for grabs: Councilman Don Johnson has announced he will not seek a third four-year term. Vice Mayor Laura Flores Espinosa will run again for a third term on the council and Councilman Rick Cook is seeking his second term. Rita Graham and Mary Ann Krause have announced they are running for City Council seats.On the Santa Paula Elementary School Board of Trustees there are three openings as the terms of Michelle Kolbeck, Anthony “Tony” Perez and Dan Robles are up.The Santa Paula High School District has three seats up, those held by Shirley Hendren, Terry Nelson and Al Sandoval.Candidates for all offices must be registered voters and must be 18 years of age at the time they take office.
Filing period opened for City Council, schools, BCL boards
July 19, 2002
Santa Paula News
As of Monday they were off and running, at least those seeking elective office, as the official filing period opened for the November 5th election.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesAs of Monday they were off and running, at least those seeking elective office, as the official filing period opened for the November 5th election.July 15th was the first day for candidates to pull papers to run for a variety of local seats, ranging from the City Council to numerous school boards and even Blanchard Community Library.The deadline to return nomination papers is August 9, unless an incumbent chooses not to seek reelection. In that case, deadlines will be extended to August 14. The official cut-off time to file papers is 5 p.m. no matter which date applies.City Council nomination papers require at least 20 valid signatures of city registered voters and can be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office.According to Deputy City Clerk Josie Herrera, there is no cost for pulling and filing signature petitions, although there is a hefty $500 fee to the county for having a candidate statement in the voter’s guide. The $500 deposit is standard and refunds do occur, although candidates in the last election only received $12 back.