City Council approves expenditure for fire chaplain conference

October 19, 2002
Santa Paula City Council

The City Council approved travel expenses at the Sept. 16 meeting for a Santa Paula Fire Department chaplain to attend a national conference and workshops.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council approved travel expenses at the Sept. 16 meeting for a Santa Paula Fire Department chaplain to attend a national conference and workshops.Acting Fire Chief Rick Araiza asked that Pastor Mike Slagle be allowed to attend the Oct. 20-24 Conference of the Federated Fire Chaplains in New Orleans.In his report, AFC Araiza noted that Pastor Slagle “has served the public faithfully as a volunteer Fire Chaplain,” the upcoming event will be “his first opportunity to attend this worthwhile training seminar and conference.”The annual SPFD budget includes $2,000 for fire administration training, workshops and meetings, AFC Araiza noted, and the cost for Pastor Slagle to attend the four-day seminar in Atlanta, Georgia, should not exceed $1,200.
The conference is staged annually to help fire chaplains learn new skills and develop knowledge in the fire chaplaincy. One of the benefits of the conference is the mutual support and encouragement through meeting other chaplains and the knowledge gained through a shared ministry.The theme of this year’s training is “Tools for Crisis Intervention,” and will include a presentation on Ground Zero, the scene of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks and the collapse of the WTC Twin Towers.The Chief Chaplain of the New York Fire Department, Father Mychal Judge, was killed 9/11 as he administered the Last Rites to a dying firefighter, a tragic example of what chaplains can face when responding to emergencies.Fire Chaplains respond to scenes of tragedy, whether it be a fire or an act of violence where people need counseling and comfort. The Santa Paula Fire Department has two volunteer Chaplains, Pastor Slagle and Pastor Jose Vindel.

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