Physicians, nurses and other individuals who wish to volunteer their time to this program are also urged to call Martin Hernandez.
Supervisor Long opens Santa Clara
Valley Tattoo Removal Clinic
November 12, 1999
Santa Paula News
Supervisor Kathy Long (District 3) invites the public to tour the Santa Clara Valley Tattoo Removal Clinic during the opening celebration on Saturday, November 13th at 8:30 a.m. The clinic is located at the Santa Paula Family Care Center, 1334 E. Main St., Santa Paula.
“Although the tattoo removal program is free of charge, participants will be required to attend an orientation, will be screened for eligibility, and must provide documentation of community service prior to removal of tattoos. Eligibility screening includes a determination of participants’ motivation to make positive lifestyle changes, a key to success with this program. The laser clinic offers a medically safe opportunity to remove unwanted tattoos, which otherwise stand in the way of job seekers who are reaching out for employment opportunities,” stated Supervisor Long.Clients who attended an earlier orientation and have completed their public service will receive their first laser treatments on the day of the opening. An orientation for new clients will also be held on that day. Future orientations and clinics will be held monthly at the Santa Paula Family Care Center.The Tattoo Removal Program is coordinated by the Santa Paula Family Resources Center, under the direction of Martin Hernandez. Call Hernandez at 525-6616 for further information, or to make an appointment.