The more money people spend each month using the registered cards, the greater the donation to DTOUR. There is no charge to the cardholder.You can register online at If you have any questions you should call Chris McKeever, Youth Director at 647-1635 or Pam Oliver, DTOUR Fundraising Leader at 525-0520.
DTOUR Youth Outreach launches eScrip fundraiser
May 21, 2003
Santa Paula News
The youth outreach program called DTOUR is participating in a fundraising program.
The youth outreach program called DTOUR is participating in a fundraising program.DTOUR is now located at Valley Community Foursquare Church in Santa Paula. Because of the growth of the program, they are quickly outgrowing the existing facility and need to raise money to find a larger location. Since DTOUR opened two years ago, they have had over 1,000 junior high and high school youth come to the facility. They average between 100 and 150 kids each Wednesday night. Young people come from Santa Paula, Fillmore, Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo.DTOUR is a non-profit organization, offering a safe environment for youth to come and socialize, play games and activities and receive homework help if needed. They rely on donations and fundraisers to help keep the program running. The fundraising program they’re seeking the community to participate in is called eScrip. Under this program DTOUR will receive a percentage of sales if you register one of several cards, including Vons Club cards, Chevron, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.