The Paul Harris Fellowship, named for the founder of Rotary in 1905, is among Rotary’s highest awards.Dowdy was previously awarded the prestigious 2002-2003 Rotary International Four Avenues of Service Citation, the first Santa Paula club member to receive the honor.Rueckert, the Santa Paula Rotary Club Historian, received his own token of Dowdy’s appreciation when the District Governor presented Rueckert – a Ronald Reagan Presidential Library docent – with a tie.“To the wonderful adventures of Nils,” who has accompanied District Governor Dowdy to 68 separate club meetings within the district as his assistant.Rueckert, a retired naval officer, received a token of appreciation from Dowdy: a tie from the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.“Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you from both of us,” said Dowdy.Donna Nelson led the Isbell Choir in a special presentation and reminded Rotarians that the group will hold an Irish dinner fundraiser on March 20th in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
Rotary Pres. Bombara receives PHF, Dowdys, Rueckert special honors
February 20, 2004
Santa Paula News
Rotary Club President Maria Bombara was honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship at the Feb. 9th club meeting where District #5240 Governor Arnold Dowdy and his wife Maria were also lauded for their contributions to Rotary as well as Administrative Assistant to the District Governor Nils Rueckert.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesRotary Club President Maria Bombara was honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship at the Feb. 9th club meeting where District #5240 Governor Arnold Dowdy and his wife Maria were also lauded for their contributions to Rotary as well as Administrative Assistant to the District Governor Nils Rueckert.“Arnie and Maria included the Rotary Fund Bequest Plan and committed part of their accumulated assets,” after their deaths for the betterment of Rotary International, said President Bombara. “It’s because of a gift like yours,” that Rotary International programs – targeting world health and hunger, among others - can expand and prosper.Rotary International has launched its Society of Friends for those who, like the Santa Paula-based Dowdys, remember Rotary in their bequests.After the Dowdys were awarded special Rotary pins and a crystal plaque for their commitment, Arnie Dowdy said he also was going to make a presentation.“. . .an anonymous source,” donated $1,000 for a Paul Harris Fellowship to a Santa Paula club member, Dowdy noted. “This Paul Harris award is for our Valentine of a president, our sweetheart of a president, Maria Bombara.”Bombara, the Santa Clara Valley Bank Asst. VP/Director of Marketing, joined the Santa Paula Rotary Club in 1998 and quickly rose through the ranks to become president.