The discussions are geared to lead to the adoption of a joint resolution targeting housing creation goals for 2005-2010.Other council business includes more matters related to housing: the council will consider creation of a first time homebuyers’ program and changes to the housing preservation program.Fire Chief Paul Skeels will present a report on department calls for service. Economic Development Director Charmaine Stouder give the council an update on real estate transactions and department news.Traffic issues in the McKevett Road and Harvard Boulevard/Telegraph roads from 12th Street to Hallock Drive will respectively focus on a pilot traffic-planning/parking program and a present speed limit study.
City Council, Housing Authority to hold special joint meeting Monday
September 24, 2004
Santa Paula City Council
The City Council will hold a rare – if not the first - joint meeting with the Santa Paula Housing Authority (SPHA) Monday in a special session that will also tackle several other items of council business.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe City Council will hold a rare – if not the first - joint meeting with the Santa Paula Housing Authority (SPHA) Monday in a special session that will also tackle several other items of council business.The meeting, preceded by a closed council session, will be held at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers, 970 E. Ventura St. The meeting will also be broadcast live on city cable Channel 10 and subject to tape rebroadcast.The council and the SPHA will discuss housing needs and updates as well as review the housing authority’s annual report. The law governing housing authorities – in Santa Paula the council appoints authority commissioners, although it is a federal body - will also be addressed.Mandated regional housing needs, council housing goals and proposed SPHA grants as well as city Redevelopment Agency housing programs and potential projects will also be discussed, as well as the recently adoption of the city’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and the meeting schedule of the SPHA.