The city is now conducting a peer review of a report by Centex Homes that shows that Aguirre and Procter should not be considered conflicted, due to the broad impacts of the proposed development. Centex Homes is seeking to change the city’s General Plan to build 2,136 homes and related facilities in Fagan Canyon, located on the city’s northeast boundary. The property would have to be annexed to the city before building could begin.The first workshop will be held on February 15 as previously scheduled. In March, the council will delay their regular meeting for the second workshop on March 7; in turn, the council will hold a special meeting on other business on March 14. The April 11 workshop has been cancelled, but a workshop will be held in lieu of a regular council meeting on April 18. The council will hold a special meeting on other business on April 25.On May 9, a City Council/Planning Commission Fagan Canyon workshop will be held. All workshops are open to the public.
City Council & Planning Comm.: Joint Fagan Canyon workshops rescheduled
January 21, 2005
Santa Paula City Council
Most of a series of joint workshops between the City Council and the Planning Commission have been rescheduled, but they will get together starting next month to discuss the proposed development in Fagan Canyon.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesMost of a series of joint workshops between the City Council and the Planning Commission have been rescheduled, but they will get together starting next month to discuss the proposed development in Fagan Canyon. The council learned at the January 3 meeting that the workshops had been delayed due to Planning Commissioners’ scheduling conflicts, as well as delay of the review of the project during December.But first Councilman Gabino Aguirre sought assurances from City Attorney Karl Berger that he did not have to excuse himself from discussions. Aguirre owns a home and Councilman John Procter has an interest in property within 500 feet of the proposed development. The two have not been able to take part in Fagan Canyon discussions due to a conflicts-of-interest ruling by the Fair Political Practices Commission.