About 18 inches of rainwater accumulated on the roof of the business during the February storm that pushed Southern California closer to an all-time rainfall record. On closer examination inspectors found that the flat roof of M&M carpet did have drainage; previously they believed that a recent reroofing of the building had covered the drains.The roof reportedly had about 30 inches of rainwater during the January storms that were heavier than the February downpour. Building inspectors feared that the tons of water threatened the viability of the structure overall, but it was found to be sound.
M&M Carpets weathers the storm, is reopened after only one day
March 09, 2005
Santa Paula News
M&M Carpets on East Main Street, a victim of the recent heavy storm, has reopened and is welcoming customers at their 600 block location.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesM&M Carpets on East Main Street, a victim of the recent heavy storm, has reopened and is welcoming customers at their 600 block location. M&M Carpets had been red-tagged by the city’s Building & Safety Department for only one day, according to Building Inspector Carlos Lugo.“My understanding is that the red tag” barring all from entering the building “was removed the same day the water was removed,” on February 25, although a correction notice was issued to the building’s owner to clean out the plugged up gutters.