SPHS Fundraisers

February 23, 2000
Santa Paula High School
Santa Paula High School is offering two new fundraisers to assist with the cost of activities through the Associated Student Body. The first is Community Discount Cards that cost $10 and consist of discounts at various restaurants and businesses from Santa Paula.The second fundraiser is from Universal Studios. Now through April 2000, call 1(800) 959-9688 and mention Santa Paula High School and the following code: 17793. By mentioning the school code, you become eligible to purchase tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood for only $27 (regular admission is currently $39, and $29 for children ages 3-11). At the same time, Universal Studios Hollywood will rebate $3 from each ticket sale to invest in our students’ education. Tickets are valid until December 31, 2000.
Please contact Lisa Schmidt at 525-4406 ext. 261 if you have any questions.

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