Council approves funding
application for transit stations

February 25, 2000
Santa Paula City Council
Two “super” transit stations just might be in Santa Paula’s future after the City Council approved an application to secure a majority of the funding from the Ventura County Transportation Commission. The council approved the application at the Feb. 22 meeting as part of the Consent Calendar.According to the staff report by Public Works Director/City Engineer Norm Wilkinson, the construction cost for two transit stations is expected to be $50,000 each ($100,000 total) and the city’s share for the cost - based on a percentage - would be $11,500. Additional design costs of about $10,000 would be borne by the city using Local Transportation Funds.One of the transportation stations would be built across from City Hall on East Ventura Street and the other at the extreme west end of Santa Paula in front of Kmart.The proposed transit stations would be super-sized: each would measure approximately 300 to 500 square feet with eight to 12 benches under the roof, although the one at City Hall would be slightly larger. Each structure would be free standing, all metal roof with details that give it the “look of an old train station,” wrote Wilkinson.Lighted, the stations would have fire sprinklers installed.
The two locations proposed for the stations is where the express VISTA bus that travels from Fillmore to Ventura meets those utilizing the local Dial-A-Ride, read the report, and “the two [existing] stations have become very busy locations,” and it is “not uncommon to see 10 to 20 people waiting for the bus outside City Hall. The proposed stations would provide more shade in the summer, more rain protection in winter and more seating year-round.”Wilkinson’s report noted that some engineering staff time would be required to manage the project if the city is successful in obtaining the grant and there also may be some maintenance requirements “depending on the arrangements that can be made with the company that provides the current bus shelters.” Such shelters are income producing for the city through the advertising that each sports, and added advertising at the new stations could add about $1,000 annually to city coffers.“It is staff’s hope, however, that in lieu of cash for the additional advertising, the bus shelter company would take on the day to day maintenance of the entire station,” although either way the advertising would help offset the cost of maintenance, Wilkinson’s report noted.VCTC’s announcement of funded programs will be made in April.

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