Soroptimist International of Santa Paula presents “Go Red for Women”

September 14, 2005
Santa Paula News

Soroptimist International of Santa Paula presents the “Go Red for Women” Heart Disease Awareness Walk on Wednesday, September 21 at 12 noon.

Soroptimist International of Santa Paula presents the “Go Red for Women” Heart Disease Awareness Walk on Wednesday, September 21 at 12 noon. Walkers will meet at the Santa Paula Inn at 111 N. 8th St. and walk through downtown Santa Paula, ending back at the Santa Paula Inn.Fact - the #1 killer of women is heart disease or stroke:• One in every three women in the U.S. dies of heart disease, one in every two women dies of heart disease or stroke, while one in every 30 women dies of breast cancer.• 38 percent of women will die within one year after having a heart attack.
• Within six years of having a heart attack, about 46 percent of women become disabled with heart failure. Two-thirds of women who have a heart attack fail to make a full recovery!Soroptimist International of Santa Paula (SISP) is proud to promote awareness of the heart health risks facing women by sponsoring the Heart Disease Awareness Walk and collecting donations to fight heart disease. Cash or checks made out to the American Heart Association can be given to the Soroptimist walkers or mailed to SISP, P.O. Box 966, Santa Paula, CA 93061.

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