Let’s Go to the Moon! The Lunar Missions
We know more about many aspects of the Moon than we know about any world beyond our own, and yet we have barely begun to solve its countless mysteries. In the decades since the last Apollo landing on the Moon in 1972, there has been a widespread misperception that the Moon has already told us all the important things that it has to tell, that scientifically it is a “been there, done that” world. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Let’s Go to the Moon is an over view of the past lunar missions, current missions, geology of the moon and future missions. This exhibit was created by the staff at the California Oil Museum with help from NASA and JPL . Photos, text and 3-demensional items will be on display along with videos of actual footage of the lunar surface. Student workshops “On the Moon” are available. Museum hours Wed - Sun, 10am to 4pm. Admission is $4 Adults, $3 Seniors, $1 Students, 5 years old and younger are free. Members are free. Call 805-933-0076 or email jorcutt@spcity.org for more information or go to our website at www.oilmuseum.net