Santa Paula Fire Fighters Association Vice President Matt Klein (left) and President Austin Macias received a framed Santa Paula Youth Basketball League shirt presented by Recreation Supervisor Dale Sumersille at a recent City Council meting. The gift was in appreciation of SPFFA fundraising for the youth sports program.

SPFFA honored for support of Santa
Paula Youth Basketball League

March 11, 2015
Santa Paula News

The Santa Paula Fire Fighters Association was honored at the March 2 City Council meeting for their dedication to the city’s Youth Basketball League.

According to Recreation Supervisor Dale Sumersille, members of the SPFFA actually started a fire — a big BBQ fire — to benefit the approximately 380 kids in the program.

SPFFA President Austin Macias and Vice President Matt Klein were on hand to accept the award, a framed basketball league shirt and thank you plaque as well as words of appreciation.

The SPFFA has been “A huge support of the basketball league, they are the driving force behind a fundraiser,” that Sumersille said last year raised $5,200 for the program.

Members of the SPFFA and supporters help nonprofits by staging barbecues where the beneficiary sells the tickets and the firefighters purchase all the food and prepare it. All proceeds from the meals — such as the 650-barbecued chicken dinners prepared and served by firefighters for the basketball program — benefit the organization sponsored by the SPFFA.  

There are 48 teams in six divisions playing in the Santa Paula Youth Basketball League with many of the teams ranked champions.

Macias thanked the city on behalf of the SPFFA and noted, “It means a lot for us to know we’re doing our job and giving back to the community.”

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