Theme recognizes Combat Medics, Corpsman at VFW Veterans Day Observance

November 04, 2015
Santa Paula News

The Combat Medic and Corpsman said VFW Post 2043 Commander Jerry Olivas, “Mean so much to the military unit especially in combat,” that receive special recognition at the annual Veterans Day Ceremony.

The Wednesday, November 11 observance will be held at Veterans Memorial Park starting at 11 a.m. The park is located on East Ventura Street across from City Hall. 

Honoring Combat Medics and Corpsmen “Is our main theme of our observance this year,” and will feature presentations from John Bailey, a WWII U.S. Navy/Marine Corpsman and Delton Lee Johnson, a Navy Corpsman who served in the Korean War.

Said Olivas, “We will also acknowledge Henry Osuna a WWII Medic who is a Life Member of our Post and Mike ‘Spike’ Espinoza, a deceased Post Member who was also a WWII Combat Medic.”

Other speakers will include Michelle Roulston, Director California Veterans Home-Ventura, Douglas Kadansky who will offer “A Veterans Day Remembrance to a Father” and Carlos Lopez who will present the poem “What is a Veteran?”

During the Memorial Ceremony Quartermaster/Adjutant Rey Frutos will describe the Santa Paula Veterans Memorial — which lists those residents lost in war from World War I to Vietnam — and the plaques of the deceased veterans.

Olivas asks that everyone bring a lawn chair for the ceremony that will include patriotic music — including the program introductory National Anthem — by the Santa Paula High School Band under the direction of William Melendez and Jerry Cruz.

The Invocation will be offered by VFW Post 2043 Chaplain David Silva and Memorial Wreaths will be placed respectively on the Veterans Memorial and Korean War Veterans monuments by VFW Commander Olivas and Korean War Veterans Association Ventura County Chapter 56 Commander David Lopez.

Squad Leader David Garcia will lead the Rifle Squad Salute before bugler Rudy Arellano playing the poignant Taps concludes the ceremony. The St. Sebastian American Heritage Girls led by Kathleen Goodrich and Melissa Wodzinki, will again participate in the ceremony.

Olivas said the ceremony is for “The families, friends and all veterans that continue to honor and remember their loved ones by attending community events such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies…we always attract a wonderful crowd that show they will never forget their veterans.”

And that includes the Motorcycle Riders of Ventura County who after the ceremony will  stage their 3rd Annual Veterans Day BBQ at the Mountain View Golfs Course.

“We really appreciate their support and generosity…the barbecue is free,” said Olivas, “courtesy of Steve Kiley of Mountain View Golf Course and Gibby Gomez,” who coordinates the event for the Motorcycle Riders of Ventura County. 

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