Mobley said that Thursday’s event will “Teach everyone about the upcoming relay. It should be a lot of fun,” with magician Jim Lantiegme, refreshments and Relay prize give-aways.“This is the main kickoff to get everyone to start building their Relay teams, organizing and fundraising. There will be sign-up sheets and a short film about the Relay will be shown. We want to get more people involved as team captains for our fifth annual Relay for Life,” which will be held at Santa Paula Union High School on April 29 and 30.As the Relay for Life Kickoff ends the celebration of the Feast Day for Saint Paula will start at the St. Paul’s Episcopal/Emmanuel Lutheran Churches, 117 N. 7th St.The 7 p.m. celebration of the Feast of Saint Paula is being sponsored by the Santa Paula Ministerial Association.The non-denominational service is in honor of Saint Paula, the namesake of the City of Santa Paula and is being held for the community to recognize the patron saint of widows, hospitals and hospices as well as to reflect on the strengths and challenges facing the city.The principal speaker at the service will be Dr. Michael McLean, Dean ofThomas Aquinas College.Members of several Santa Paula church choirs will also come together as the Santa Paula Ecumenical Choir for a performance.Saturday will be what might be the first ever Santa Paula Police Department Open House said Bobkiewicz.The 1 to 3 p.m. event is being held “In lieu of a party to introduce Chief MacKinnon to more of the community. The Chief wanted to invite the entire community to visit the police station,” where there will be displays and personnel to answer questions and offer demonstrations of different facets of crime fighting.
Busy week for involved Santa Paulans: Multiple events, East Area 1 meeting
January 25, 2006
Santa Paula News
This will be a busy week for involved Santa Paulans with events honoring the city’s patron saint, the kickoff for a major fundraiser, the SPPD Open House and a meeting of those involved in the master planning of East Area 1.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThis will be a busy week for involved Santa Paulans with events honoring the city’s patron saint, the kickoff for a major fundraiser, the SPPD Open House and a meeting of those involved in the master planning of East Area 1.City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz said that on Wednesday, January 25 there will be meeting of the Limoneira/East Area 1 Master Plan Committee.The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers.Representatives of the Limoneira Board of Directors as well as the City Council will hear an update - the Master Plan Committee - will hear an update from designer David Sargent of HDR.“They are about 75 percent finished with the specific plan” which will be presented to the committee noted Bobkiewicz. “Then they’ll pick a date for another community meeting” to present the finalized Master Plan, a gathering that probably be broadcast on Adelphia Cable Channel 10.Development in SOAR controlled East Area 1, about 500 acres adjacent to Hallock Drive, will have to find approval from Santa Paula voters.Thursday will see two community events: the kickoff of the Santa Paula Relay for Life American Cancer Society fundraiser and the celebration of the Feast Day of Saint Paula, the city’s namesake.The Relay for Life Kickoff Party will be held at the Whistle Stop Café, located at the corner of 10th and Main streets, from 5 to 7 p.m.This year the American Cancer Society fundraiser is chaired by Councilman John Procter and Mike Mobley.